Sunday, October 24, 2010

yo slippin bro

went to the beach yesterday shot some things, sorry for lack of updates not that anyone cares.. haha but my lifes been pretty boring as of late so not much to post but i found my camdaddy so ill be posting a few more life hammers so stay tuneeeddd..

Untitled from UNO on Vimeo.

Went to the local beach yesterday and shot a few things with my brother, no real story line, just some shots i liked the look of.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


We planned on skating frankston this day, we got there there was a bike comp on, it was gay so we left to go to mornington which was much better and as frankston had all bikers/scooters due to the comp the park was pretty much empty.. it was gooood

heres the clip: