Monday, February 21, 2011


Just shit skate footy and bails, mostly to show some of the spots/parks I skated however this is a small minority of them. It's kinda hard to film yourself at a spot/park without looking like a wanker (especially when it's busy) so footage is limited, also factors like battery life, whether i brought my camera or not come into the equation. There for explaining why it is so short, some tricks aren't lands and just sucking in general.

Ignore the skating just watch it for the sledging hams!

Pt. 4


The famous ledges
So sick
Rainy day, so no skating today
Père Lachaise Cemetery

It started to rain pretty heavily so i stood out of the rain and took a photo of my shoes to pass the time haha.
I'm not a huge fan of Jim Morrison but I went to check it out as Nathan Woods is probably his biggest fan haha, also it's a 48 acre cemetery and a pretty interesting sight whether a little spooky or not.

I don't know if you can see but this guy has a sport hocker hahahaha
I went to this art gallery
which had a bizarre exhibition, so bizarre that i can't even explain what it was.

I lived off croissants in Paris.
The Eiffel Tower

I went to this spot too before I left, its so sick. But it was wet so i could only skate it for a bit. Overall I think Paris is a pretty rad city.

Pt. 3


The infamous red bus
and black cab
Stockwell Skate Park
Mile End Skate Park
Really fun.

Spot near the park.
London was really fun, I stayed with my old friend Obi we went on these rides round London and hit up a few clubs & pubs. It was so sick riding round the empty streets of London at early times of the AM.